Blog Post


Today I learned the word threnody. Or relearned, perhaps. It sounded familiar, like its definition sat on the tip of my tongue, but when I looked it up I could’nt quite bring myself to say “oh right, that’s what it means.” From the Oxford English Dictionary, a threnody is a lament. The example sentence they give is “a brooding threnody to urban desolation.” I encountered it in the foreword to a book I bought a few weeks ago that I have just gotten around to reading: No-No Boy, by John Okada.

I made a website!

Who I am Hi everyone, nice to meet you! I’m Plaguemask, or Ian. I’m an amateur French translator, lover of comics in three languages, and big video game player! I’ve started this site as I have always wanted to write more, and I figure a blog is a great way to do that. In addition, this website will host pieces of writing and translation that I’m working on. What to expect here Basically anything, as long as I wrote it.